We deal in digital goods and services. Please make sure that you check quality of our free samples and products before buying anything. We are not a market place. We control quality very strictly as everything is designed inhouse.
Since we deal in online video courses and it’s a digital service, we don’t offer a refund. We request you to watch our sample free videos, available in almost every course. You can also watch our youtube channel videos to get to know about the quality of our videos. In simple terms, WE DON’T ACCEPT REFUND AT emprux.IN Digital products once taken are considered as consumed
We don’t accept refund request, Late or missing refunds (if applicable) Because of digital goods and services, we don’t accept refund requests, please contact us at [email protected].
We do not ship any physical products. All our offerings are purely digital and are available exclusively through our live classes or structured online courses. When you enroll in our classes, you gain access to expert-led training sessions, in-depth learning materials, and interactive discussions. Our courses are designed to provide hands-on experience, ensuring that students master the skills effectively. Whether you choose to attend a live session or follow along in a structured class, all content is delivered digitally. No physical items are shipped, as our focus is on providing high-quality, accessible, and immersive learning experiences.
In case of double payment, due to any reason, you will get your 100% money back. Usually our system automatically detects such transactions and refunds them. But if due to any reasons mentioned actions are not triggered, please reach us out at team[@]emprux.in We keep our pricing very transparent and honest.